Based on the three priority issues identified, we are promoting CSV initiatives based on risks and opportunities. Our group’s products and services solve social problems and support a resilient and sustainable society. We are creating a positive impact both in improving corporate value and solving social issues.

Symbiosis with
the global environment
(Planetary Health)
Quantitative assessment service on the climate change impact of the TCFD recommendations

Work with Jupiter, a climate analysis company, to provide quantitative risk assessments of climate
change impacts
Number of companies that provided quantitative assessment services for physical risks from climate change impacts

FY2022: 6,640 bases
Real-time damage prediction website (cmap)

It is open to the public free of charge as an advance disaster prevention and reduction measure against natural disasters.
Number of page views per year on a site that forecasts and publishes the number of buildings affected by typhoons, heavy rains, and earthquakes in real time

FY2022: 2.73 million accesses
Safe and secure society
Products to cover cyber risks

Support cybersecurity countermeasures and provide coverage to hedge damage resulting from the unlikely event of a cyberattack
Number of corporations and organizations protected from cyber risks

FY2022: 20,165 companies
Telematics-based safety driving support services

We offer automobile insurance that utilizes telematics-based safety driving support services.
Number of automobile insurance policies for monitoring and automobile insurance for connected cars

FY2022: 2.2 million cases
Happiness of diverse people
Tontine pension plans

A foreign currency–denominated individual pension insurance that meets the usage needs of customers who receive a greater amount of pension the longer they live
Number of tontine annuity contracts

FY2022: 50,000 cases
Support for companies that address human rights issues

We support companies in their efforts to address human rights issues and develop insurance proposals related to corporate welfare and health management.
Number of human rights–related consultations, training, seminars, etc., conducted for companies, etc.

FY2022: 1,111 cases

Note: Figures are estimates for FY2022.