The MS&AD Insurance Group is actively conducting appropriate information disclosure to earn trust from a wide variety of stakeholders, including our customers, shareholders, investors, and business partners, so that our corporate value is assessed fairly and properly.
Our Group has compiled its stance relating to information disclosure in the “MS&AD Insurance Group Basic Policies on Corporate Governance.” Based on this basic policy, we have established the “Policy for Constructive Dialogue with Shareholders” as a guideline for dialogue with shareholders, and the “MS&AD Insurance Group Basic Policy for Disclosure of Information,” etc. as a guideline for adequate disclosure, to ensure that the Group implements accurate, timely, and fair information disclosure.
The "MS&AD Insurance Group Basic Policy for Disclosure of Information" is an external information disclosure policy established for domestic Group insurance companies. In accordance with this policy, all domestic Group insurance companies strive to thoroughly comply with the disclosure rules stipulated by laws, regulations and the disclosure rules of financial instruments exchange. At the same time, the domestic Group insurance companies disclose information to ensure that their respective stakeholders can be made aware of important information in an accurate, timely, and fair manner.
Towards sustainable growth and improvement of corporate value in the medium and long term, our Group works to carry out constructive dialogue with shareholders, and is working to further create value by taking advantage of the dialogue in management.
The "IR Policy" is the basic policy for IR activities established by MS&AD Holdings. Not only disclosing corporate information required under statutes and regulations of financial instruments exchanges, our Group proactively releases information for investment decisions, ranging from basic policies and management plans to business strategies of the Group, thereby improving the quality of our disclosure. In addition, by disclosing such information, we strive to put out information that is timely, fair, and easy-to-understand.
To ensure timely and adequate disclosure and evaluate the effectiveness of information disclosure controls, our Group has established a “Risk Management Committee” and built a timely disclosure system.
The Risk Management Committee was established by a resolution of the Board of Directors, and it is the institution at the core of the timely disclosure system.
The Committee is composed of directors and general managers responsible for the planning, accounting, and other departments involved in information disclosure. It convenes to deliberate on information disclosure and verify the appropriateness of disclosed information.
The overview of the structure for timely disclosure is provided in the Corporate Governance Report.
Our Group is actively engaging in dialogues with shareholders, investors, and analysts with the Group management at its core. In addition to holding the various information meetings for institutional investors and analysts, we provide highly convenient and clear information disclosure to shareholders and investors via the MS&AD Holdings website. The Group responds in good faith to enquiries from investors/shareholders and securities analysts. We will share the requests and opinions that we received during the course of our IR activities within the Group companies and will use them to enhance our corporate value.