Contribute to the Development of a Vibrant Society and
Help Secure a Sound Future for the Planet
The MS&AD Insurance Group was formed with three groups of insurance companies being integrated with the mission “to contribute to the development of a vibrant society and help secure a sound future for the planet, by enabling safety and peace of mind through the global insurance and financial services businesses.”
To realize our vision of society, we need to face those social issues that impede this vision and promptly identify various risks stemming from the issues. Then, through a variety of products and services, we need to prevent risks from occurring or minimize the impact of those risks and to reduce the economic burden when those risks materialize. By doing so, we help create an environment where customers can live and conduct business in a secure manner. That is our story of value creation.
Resources supporting MS&AD
Financial Capital
● Sufficient and sound financial base
for underwriting risk and growth investment
Consolidated net assets ¥3,056.2 billion
ESR (Economic Solvency Ratio) 228%
Human and Intellectual Capital
● Global and diverse human assets
48 countries worldwide 38,584
● Most abundant risk data in Japan and
the ASEAN region
Number of risk surveys conducted 1,112
● Building a digital platform
Participants in the digital human assets development program 1,219
Social and Relationship Capital
● No. 1 customer base and sales network in Japan
Number of domestic customers (Two non-life insurance companies)
2.65million companies
44.95million individuals
Number of domestic non-life insurance agents 77,789
Domestic claims handling service centers 365
● Partnerships with top companies in other industries
Natural Capital
● Resources necessary for business activities
Paper 8,301 t
Water usage 682,901 m3
Total energy consumption 784,307GJ
Corporate value enhancement through Creating Shared Value (CSV)
Sustainable growth foundation (Financial Capital)
● Pursuit of capital efficiency
Group Adjusted Profit ¥172.7 billion
Group Adjusted ROE 4.8%
TSR of past 5 years 47.0%
●Continuous and stable shareholder returns
Shareholder yield 5.8%
Dividend yield 4.9%
Innovation by diverse human assets (Human and Intellectual Capital)
●Providing work environments that offer a sense of satisfaction
Employee satisfaction (“Pride, feeling motivated” /
“Working vigorously”) 4.4pt /4.6pt(maximum score: 6 points)
●Ideas born from diversity
Percentage of mid-career employees among managerial staff (as of April 2023) 22.6%
Number of applicants for the Sustainability Contest 276
Number of applicants for the Digital Innovation Challenge Program Approx. 442
Digital human assets (as of April 2023)
approx. 3,600
Overseas human assets (as of April 2023)
approx. 1,180
Establishment of strong partnerships(Social and Relationship Capital)
● Recovery of social losses
Net claims paid ¥2,241.1 billion
Life insurance claims ¥531.2 billion
Number of auto accident cases received (domestic, excluding CALI)
2,319,379 cases
● Customer-focused business operations
Customer satisfaction (questionnaire at time of insurance payment)
● Expanded problem-solving through regional cooperation with local governments across Japan
Instances of support for the resolution of issues faced by regional companies (e.g., consulting, seminars) 12,349 cases
Our planet's sustainability (Natural Capital)
● Helping to create a zero-carbon society
Greenhouse gas emission reduction rate (versus FY2019) -26.8%
Renewable energy implementation rate 21.1%
● Contributing to the conservation of biodiversity
Number of employees participating in social contribution activities 22,553
● Damage to natural capital
Greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1 + 2) 64,760t
Amount of waste discharged (final disposal) 3,262t