The following are the materials and data about sustainability approaches of the MS&AD Insurance Group.
Subject period:
FY2023 (April 1, 2023 - March 31, 2024) For Overseas insurance subsidiaries, FY2023 (Jan 1, 2023 - Dec 31, 2023)
Subject organizations and data coverage:
* Domestic group companies operating such as risk-related services
Third-Party Assurance
Since 2015, the MS&AD Insurance Group has engaged KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd. to perform assurance of selected environmental and social data in order to assure credibility of reported figures. The data subject to the third-party assurance for this fiscal year is indicated with ✓.
KPMG's Independent Assurance Report (184KB)
The Calculation Methodology (341KB)
As a company with an Audit & Supervisory Board, the Company will endeavor to improve governance by ensuring that independently appointed Audit & Supervisory Board Members appropriately act in their auditing functions, in addition to ensuring that the Board of Directors appropriately acts in its oversight functions, while strengthening the functions of each and actively disclosing information.
Chairperson of the Board |
Chairman |
Number of Directors |
11 *1 |
Number of Outside Directors |
5 *2 |
Number of independent Directors |
5 *3 |
Number and ratio of women at the Board of Directors |
3 / 27.3% |
*1 Board members average tenure 4.1years
*2 Outside directors average tenure 4.0years
*3 The number of outside directors with relevant work experience in our company's sector : 1
Establishment of Board of Auditors |
Established |
Number of Audit and Supervisory Board Member |
4 |
Number of Outside Audit and Supervisory Board Member |
2 |
Number of independent Audit and Supervisory Board Member |
2 |
Number and ratio of women in corporate auditors |
2 / 50.0% |
*1 Outside Directors average attendance rate 100%. All directors average attendance rate 100% (We are operating to ensure an attendance rate of at least 75%)
*2 Outside Corporate Auditors average attendance rate 95.5%
*1 As a member of society, MS&AD Insurance companies believe that it is necessary to pay an appropriate share, and we make political donations to the extent permitted by law.
*2 The figures for the fiscal year 2022 have been corrected due to errors.(Correction made on July, 2024)Before correction:21,000 After correction:21,100
MS&AD Insurance Group contributed to the following initiatives to achieve environmental conservation on a global scale and the realization of a sustainable society.
* Number of reports to the meeting
*1 Including Consultation
*2 Of the cases received in FY 2023, 164 were related to harassment (including suspicious cases).
The Group's five domestic insurance companies have disclosed their initiatives based on their Customer-first Policy in the Business Operations and KPI used to evaluate the result of their initiatives.
For details of the questionnaire on customer satisfaction survey of each company, please visit their website.
With our support for the Paris Agreement adopted in 2015, we have signed the Paris Pledge for Action that calls on its signatories to address climate change and global warming. On May, 2021 we have set a goal of Net Zero GHG emissions by FY 2050. In order to achieve the goal, we also set 2030 interim targets for GHG emission reduction (Scope 1, 2 and part of 3) and renewable energy use (60% in 2030) . For Net Zero it is essential to reduce GHG emission in supply chain as in our own business operation. We will promote initiatives together with our customers, agents and other stakeholders.
(Percentage change from the previous year in parenthesis)
* We have revised the figures of the fiscal year 2021 and 2022 due to changes in the calculation method for Scope 3 Category 3.
GHG Emissions (Scope 3)
(Percentage change from the previous year in parenthesis)
*1: Subject: Paper and mail
*2: We have retroactively adjusted the figures of fiscal year 2021 and 2022 by excluding renewable energy usage.
*3: Please refer HERE for the Underwriting Investment details.
Scope 1 & 2 Coverage [the Group’s consolidated figures (including overseas companies)]
(Percentage change from the previous year in parenthesis)
*1: The calculation of the total energy consumption in MWh and GJ is based on unit heat values specified in Japan’s Act on the Rational Use of Energy except for purchased electricity, for which 3.6GJ/MWh is used.
Scope 3 Coverage (major items)
(Percentage change from the previous year in parenthesis)
*: We have revised the coverage to add Mitsui Direct General and MSI Primary Life to FY2022 figure. FY2021 coverage is MSI and ADI.
We have installed solar power generation systems in our domestic eight buildings, and are promoting to reduce GHG emissions by using these renewable energy.
(Percentage change from the previous year in parenthesis)
*1: MSI Surugadai bldg. & Surugadai Annex, Tamagawa Training Center, MSI Osaka Yodoyabashi bldg, MSI Kooriyama bldg, MSI Omiya Higashi-cho bldg, MSI Okayama bldg, ADI Tokyo Customer Center
*2: Includes power generation from renewable energy sources and use of renewable energy certificates. Note that 1,548,000 kWh of the certificates are issued under multi-countries.
*3: Correction made on August, 2023 Before correction:24.1 After correction:21.1
*: MS Amlin
*1: Calculated from the average unit price at MS&AD Holdings.
*2: Calculated from the petroleum products price survey gasoline nationwide annual average unit price (Agency for Natural Resources and Energy).
Our efforts to reduce the environmental burden are also promoted in conjunction with key business partners. We are engaged in green purchasing, prioritizing eco-friendly products in procuring the materials used in our operations, and our entire value chain is working to establish a sustainable society. In addition, we are working with policyholders on Eco insurance certificates and web policy clauses that reduce the environmental burden of business activities and, at the same time, improve the convenience of policyholders.
*1: Online "Terms & Conditions" in consideration of environment
*2: We have revised the coverage to add Mitsui Sumitomo Aioi Life Insurance and MSI Primary Life to FY2023 figure. FY2022 coverage is MSI and ADI.
MS&AD Group has been providing an environment that nurtures imagination, allows our employees to engage more deeply with their communities and society, and encourages their participation in and support for community development through our social contribution activities.
Through these activities, our employees have the opportunity to broaden their horizons, think from diverse perspectives, and build a strong network within the local community.
We are committed to supporting the growth of our employees by providing these activity opportunities, while simultaneously promoting contribution to local communities.
*1: Total amount of Donation Matching Gift and Donation from employees
*2: Total participants
*1: Excludes employees transfering out of the company, but includes employess transferring in. Excludes excecutive officers and employees on leave.
*2: Risk-related service businesses operated by the Group Companies other than those in the domestic insurance industry. From 2019, Leadenhall Capital Partners LLPUK will be included Overseas.
*: No further classification due to privacy
*1: The end of March of each year
*2: The number of new hires in April of each next year
*3: The number of new employees in fiscal year
*4: Exclude retirees and are calculated based on voluntary resignees.
We are promoting diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) initiatives in order to create a working environment where all employees with different backgrounds, characteristics, and values can fully demonstrate their abilities and play active roles. The percentage of females in managerial positions has achieved 15% target in FY2020. We have set a new target, aiming for 30% in FY2030.
*1: Number of people newly or consecutively re-employed on April 1st next fiscal year
*2: Approved at shareholders meeting held each next fiscal year.
*3: As of April 1st next fiscal year for Group Domestic. As of December 31st for Overseas insurance subsidiaries
*4,*5: In July 2024, revised the FY2022 results (changed the counting method for General Managers and Managers)
*6:Number of sales and insurance payers
*7:STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) related departments
*1: Female's wage / Male's wage (Wages do not include commuting expenses)
*2: Excludes seconded employees (But includes employees seconded from other companies whose wages are paid by MSI) ; Full-time: excludes executive officers and directors; Non-full-time: excludes temporary employees, but includes insurance consultants, directors and professional employees (industrial physicians, highly skilled professionals, etc.)
*3: Excludes seconded employees; Full-time: excluding executive officers and including directors; Non-full-time: excluding temporary employees.
*4: Excludes seconded employees; Full-time: excluding executive officers and including directors; Non-full-time: excluding temporary employees.
*5: Excludes seconded employees; Full-time: excluding executive officers, directors and senior managers, including career LC employees; Non-full-time: excluding temporary employees, including directors, senior managers and LC employees.
*6: Excludes seconded employees (But includes employees seconded from other companies whose wages are paid by MSI Primary Life); Full-time: excluding executive officers and advisors; Non-full-time: excluding temporary employees.
*7: All employees are seconded from subsidiaries, etc.; Full-time: excluding executive officers, Non-full-time: excluding temporary employees
In February 2017, the Group established MS & AD Insurance Group Basic Policy on Human Rights and implemented the Group's human rights due diligence system. We provide our employees with human rights training every year in order for them to understand human rights better and to develop an organizational culture that respects human rights.
*: Rate of departments that conducted human rights trainings that required all employees to participate
Human Asset Development
*1/*2:The calculation method has been changed from FY2023
*3: Short-term program which allows employees to experience work they have never done before, at the request of the employee.
*4: Short-term program which allows employees at the head office in Japan to experience working at overseas subsidiaries, as well as local employees at overseas subsidiaries to experience working at the head office.
*5: MBA dispatch program, and training program which allows employees to experience working for a year at overseas subsidiaries or insurance companies.
*6: Transfer system for which allows the local employees from overseas experience the jobs at the head office for 6 months to 1 year in Japan.
*7: Number decreased due to immigration restrictions by COVID-19
*8: Number of professional actuaries employed by the MS&AD Group with specialized skills for making full use of probability, statistical and other mathematical techniques used in product development, risk management and other processes (as of April 1 of the subsequent fiscal year).
*9: Employees who can utilize the latest digital technology and data (as of next April 1 of every fiscal year)
*10: Employees who have experienced expatriates and potential candidates (as of next April 1 of every fiscal year)
*11: Added this item in July 2024. The results of FY2020 are as follows;
Total Revenue (million yen):4,892,244 / Total Operating Expenses (million yen):1,612,667 / Total employeerelated expenses (million yen):330,484 / Human Capital ROI (times):10.9
*12: Total Revenue-(Total Operating Expenses-Total employeerelated expenses)/Total employeerelated expenses
Employee satisfaction *1
*1: The results of the opinion poll asking all Group employees (all-employee average on a 6-point scale, Scope: 42,518 all domestic employees including temporary employees at the time of survey, Response rate: 96.1%).
*2: Ratio of employees feeling pride or job satisfaction
*3: Ratio of employees, regardless of sex and age, feeling free and lively at workplaces.
*1: Includes temporary employees
*2: Third-Party Assurance has been obtained since FY2022
Number of employees who took childcare leave/Number of the employees whose spouses gave birth
*3: Number of days acquired / granted
In accordance to the Occupational Safety and Health Act, a health committee has been established to research and discuss relevant topics to preventative measures for OHS-related concerns and initiatives to support employees' health. We strive to provide a workplace environment that considers employee's health and safety. In addition, we have a group-wide health checkup system, a health management center, and a consultation room for employees in order to ensure that our employees can maintain their good health even better.
*1: Number of employees undergoing medical checkup consultation / number of employees
*2: Total days lost due to absenteeism / Total days scheduled to be worked
*:Percentage of net premium written
Our company is upgrading our methodologies in line with developments. The Group calculates the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from our investments and loans in accordance with the methodology developed by the Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials (PCAF), which specializes in creating standards for financial institutions to measure GHG emissions.
The emissions in the table below are calculated using Trucost's analytical tools, which determine greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions based on disclosure information from the investee companies. In the absence of available disclosure information, proprietary modeling approaches are used. Additionally, the estimates provided by PCAF are utilized.The calculations are based of target Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions of the investee companies.
(Absolute Unit:kt-CO2e, Intensity Unit:t-CO2e/US$M) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(Absolute Unit:kt-CO2e, Intensity Unit:t-CO2e/US$M) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(Absolute Unit:kt-CO2e, Intensity Unit:t-CO2e/US$M) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
*1: Calculated in FY2021 using portfolio as of end of March 2021. Coverage for Stock 99%, Corporte Bonds 69%, Total 98.6%.
*2: Calculated in FY2022 using portfolio as of end of March 2022. Coverage for Stock 99%, Corporte Bonds 67%, Business loans 48%, Total 98.4%.
*3: Calculated in FY2023 using portfolio as of end of March 2023. Coverage for Stock 99%,Corporte Bonds 97%, Business loans 95%. Total 97.6%.