The MS&AD Group publishes an Integrated Report to provide customers, shareholders, investors, and all other stakeholders with an understanding of our initiatives aimed at solving social issues and 
increasing corporate value throughout our business. 
In the last fiscal year, various problems occurred because of business practices in the non-life insurance industry, including price-fixing and fraudulent insurance claims by agents. In response to these problems, the MS&AD Insurance Group has returned to our “Mission,” “Vision,” and “Values” (“MVV”) and we are working to transform into companies commited to serving the “best interests of our customers.”
In the MS&AD Integrated Report 2024, we have emphasized the declarations of intent for medium- and long-term growth by Shinichiro Funabiki, the newly appointed CEO, and each CxO. We have also introduced employees who are working on “major reforms of business style transformation,” with the aim of enhancing our inherent value as an insurance company and becoming the insurance company of choice for customers.



001 Editorial Policy
002 Disclosure Framework
003 Contents
005 Our Mission
007 At a Glance

009 MS&AD’s Value Creation Story
011 Business Model and Capital Utilization
013 Value Co-Creation with Stakeholders
015 Materiality Analysis

019 CEO Message
026 Response to administrative action and efforts to prevent recurrence
027 CFO Message
031 Enhancing Capital Efficiency and Achieving Sustainable Profit Growth
033 CSuO Message

035 Roundtable Discussion with Outside Directors
039 Content of Discussions of Meetings of the Board of Directors
040 Group Governance
041 Our Management Team

043 Review of the Medium-Term Management Plan and Aspiration for 2030
045 Medium-Term Management Plan (2022–2025)
049 [Special Feature] Taking on the challenge of major reforms of business style as a platform provider of risk solutions 
054 Quality
055 DX Strategy
057 ERM
059 Risk Management

061 Information Security Management
062 Promotion of Compliance
063 bInvestment (asset management)
067 Human Resource Strategy
071 [Special Feature] Green Resilience Report (TCFD and TNFD Report) 077 Sustainability

079 Progress of the Medium-Term Management Plan (2022–2025)
081 Financial and Nonfinancial Highlights
083 11-Year Performance

085 Reports by Segment
        Domestic Non-Life Insurance Business
        Domestic Life Insurance Business
        International Business
        Financial Services Business
        Digital/Risk-Related Services Business

095 Corporate Governance System and Initiatives
103 Engagement with Shareholders and Investors
105 Corporate Profile
116 Basic Knowledge about the Insurance Industry Glossary of Insurance Terminology

122 Performance Record
190 ESG Evaluation/Participation in Initiatives
191 Third-Party Assurance
192 On the Issuance of the MS&AD Integrated Report 2024

Solvency margin rate of Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance stated in annual reports from FY2004 through FY2008 is adjusted in the FY2009 report.