Meeting the Trust of Society with High Quality

The MS&AD Insurance Group believes it important to pay close attention to the expectations and needs of customers and other stakeholders and to put information derived from this in to good use in improving the quality of its products/services in order to continue being a corporate group needed by society.
By putting in place a variety of schemes to solicit the views of stakeholders, we are continuing to improve our quality and operations through executive-level discussions to prove ourselves worthy of the public’s trust. For example, we provide easy-to-understand product explanations, use advanced technology to make procedures more convenient, adopt approaches that meet the needs of a diverse range of customers, including the elderly and people with disabilities, and work to improve the skills of employees.

Quality Improvement through Communications with Stakeholders

Our Group has established the “MS&AD Insurance Group Basic Policy for Responding to Customer Communications” and provided a scheme and opportunity to listen to the voice of customers and other stakeholders for quality improvement of products and services, as well as compliance, respect for human rights and environmental initiatives.


Schemes for Receiving Feedback from Customers

The MS&AD Insurance Group has formulated a Basic Policy for Responding to Customer Communications and is receiving a wide range of feedback from customers including through consultations, requests, and complaints. The received feedback is then used for quality improvements. In line with the aforementioned policy, Domestic Group insurance companies utilize the customers’ views to improve their business processes so they can provide products and services that better satisfy customers.

We disclose the substance and results of the improvement activities on our website so that the customers can see the status of the improvements.

Reasons for customer feedback (complaints)

We listen to a wide range of customer feedback and are making company-wide improvements to provide better insurance products and services.
Customer feedback is all feedback received from customers, including inquiries, consultations, requests, complaints, disputes, compliments and words of thanks, etc. Of this feedback, complaints are defined as an expression of dissatisfaction from the customer.

Insurance solicitation and contract Contract management Insurance payments Managing customer information Other Total
Number of complaints* 7,170 6,682 25,168 670 2,679 42,369

*Combined number received in fiscal 2023 for Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance and Aioi Nissay Dowa Insurance

Customer-first Policy in the Business Operations

The five Group insurance companies in Japan have formulated and published customer-first policy in the business operations based on the Financial Services Agency’s Principles for Customer-oriented Business Conduct. These policies align with the framework for consumer-oriented voluntary declarations advocated by the consumer-oriented management promotion organization composed of the Consumer Affairs Agency and other members.
Please see individual companies’ official websites for further information regarding these policies.

Specific Initiatives in Customer-Focused Business Operations

The five Group insurance companies in Japan have formulated and published customer-first policy in the business operations based on the Financial Services Agency’s Principles for Customer-oriented Business Conduct. These policies align with the framework for consumer-oriented voluntary declarations advocated by the consumer-oriented management promotion organization composed of the Consumer Affairs Agency and other members.
Please see individual companies’ official websites for further information regarding these policies.

<Principal Approaches>

Initiatives to enhance customer convenience in obtaining policies

We have been developing and adopting more convenient and comprehensible procedural methods to provide information on insurance and services to a variety of customers
・Reinforcement of product explanation videos for customers (MSI, ADI)
・Procedures for applying for and obtaining policies available online (MSI, ADI, Mitsui Direct General, MSI Aioi Life)
・Procedures for obtaining policies without paper utilizing tablets and other devices. (MSI, ADI,
MSI Aioi Life )

・Realized cashless payment through payment methods that meet the diverse needs of customers (MSI, ADI) (in Japanese only)

・Customers can now change account information online (MSI Aioi Life)

・Procedures for claims settlement online (MSI Aioi Life) (in Japanese only)

Prompt and courteous customer service during natural disasters

We are helping to rebuild customers’ livelihoods as promptly as possible by increasing manpower and improving administration at our Accident Claims Center and Insurance Claim Payment Center in line with the scale of disasters and the types of disasters, such as earthquakes, typhoons, flooding, and heavy snowfall, and through rapid claims settlement.
We have realized meeting customer needs, streamlining investigations, and speeding up the whole process through promoting digital surveys on water-related disasters utilizing chatbots and developing a smartphone reservation system for survey visit dates and times.

Introduced a reservation system for visit days and times in the event of large-scale natural disasters (MSI, ADI) (in Japanese only)

Screening of insurance payments

Claims determined not to be eligible for insurance payments but which nevertheless satisfy certain conditions are examined by a Screening Committee comprising outside attorneys and other experts.
MSI and ADI disclose the number of claims examined and the cases examined on their websites.


Insurance Payment Screening Committee (MSI) (in Japanese only)

Usage status of application system for appeal review and status of screening performed by the Payment Screening Committee (ADI) (in Japanese only)

Operational improvements utilizing customer suggestions

In accordance with MS&ADI Insurance Group Basic Policy for Responding to Customer Communications, customers’ opinions that are received through consultations, requests and complaints are collected, centrally managed and analyzed, then actively implemented to improve business operations. The details and outcomes of these improvement initiatives are disclosed on the website in sequence.
We are continually upgrading our services in response to customer feedback.


MS&AD Insurance Group Basic Policy for Responding to Customer Communications

Use of customer satisfaction based on customer questionnaire surveys as a KPI

Among the indicators used for measuring the level the five Group insurance companies in Japan have continued their initiatives in customer-focused business operations, customer satisfaction from customer questionnaires (completed by customers when signing up for policies or being paid insurance money) has been designated as one of the indicators for Group sustainability that earns the trust of society


ESG data and document collection: “Customer satisfaction survey about insurance contract procedures” and “Customer satisfaction survey about payment of insurance claim”

Integrating customer-focused values among employees and agents

We have been fostering a suitable corporate climate by integrating customer-focused values into our operations through education for employees and agents.
For employees:
We conduct workplace meetings and arrange training and contests aimed at improving skills in all departments.
For agents:
We provide agents with various training and online learning opportunities, and we seek to motivate them via an agent quality certification system.

Quality Improvement Utilizing Cutting-edge Technologies

To satisfy a variety of customer needs to a high degree, we develop products/services utilizing cutting-edge ICT and other technology and employ new technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), Big Data, and voice recognition to revamp our operational flow.

<Principal Approaches>

Improvement of customer convenience

We have digitized the whole insurance process from gaining customers to making insurance payments
Launched the MS1 Brain Remote (MSI) (in Japanese only)

Development and provision of support apps and services using AI in order to provide insurance products and services more quickly
Industry first - Launched a personalized video service that allows customers to see how their insurance premiums change when using automobile insurance (ADI) (in Japanese only)
Industry first - Introduced an AI-based automatic voice response service for agents and customer billing (MSI Aioi Life) (in Japanese only)

Improving the quality of customer service

By utilizing the incoming call classification system, we can automatically classify and sort 1 million customer voices annually by category. We conduct analysis efficiently and effectively and promote initiatives to improve quality across the company.


Industry first - Launched use of incoming call classification system to improve quality across the company (ADI) (in Japanese only)

Enhancement of accident responses

We have introduced a system that uses AI and telematics technologies to automatically and accurately explain accident situations through text and diagrams. This reduces the burden on customers and we have made the handling of claims more efficient (accident response).

New features added to the dash cam-based AI accident explanation system "Ai's” (MSI) (in Japanese only)
New features implemented in the telematics damage service system (ADI) (in Japanese only)


We have launched an initiative for analyzing satellite images using AI and visualizing the average amount of damage to buildings in each region within three days after a disaster, at the earliest, in the event of a typhoon equivalent to a severe disaster.

We have reduced the average time from receipt of accident claims to the start of damage investigation by seven days, accelerated the start of remedial and repair work, and we help expedite disaster victim certification procedures in collaboration with partner local governments.


[World first] Visualization of the average amount of damage to buildings in each region within three days after a disaster, at the earliest, in the event of a typhoon (ADI) (in Japanese only)


We have developed an algorithm for predicting the extent of inundation in the event of flooding by utilizing fire insurance accident data and SNS big data collected and analyzed by JX PRESS Corporation.

In combination with techniques to advance prediction of the extent of inundation, we have initiated a demonstration experiment aimed at early identification of disaster-affected areas and customers who may have been affected.


Launched a demonstration experiment to estimate the extent of inundation damage by flooding, utilizing fire insurance accident data and SNS big data (MSI, ADI, InterRisk) (in Japanese only)


Upon receipt of an accident report from a customer, the business automation system instantly determines various factors such as “details of policy” and ” accident characteristics” to select the most appropriate insurance claims settlement center and the person in charge.


Full-scale introduction of NEVA, a business automation system, for seamless linkage of cases (ADI) (in Japanese only)

Enhancement of claim settlement operations

We have introduced an insurance fraud detection solution provided by French start-up company Shift Technology, realizing prompt and appropriate settlement of accident claims other than those which are fraudulent.


Expanded use of fraudulent claims detection solutions (MSI, ADI) (in Japanese only)

Strengthening of information security management

In line with MS&AD Insurance Group Information Security Management Basic Policy, we have been pursuing consistent system security management across our Group to ensure that service can be reliably provided in the face of rising cyber risks stemming from technological advances. We are also working to develop more robust information management system through activities such as establishing in-house regulations and educating employees.


Information Management