The MS&AD Insurance Group has established the following Environmental Basic Policy.
MS&AD Insurance Group Basic Policy on the Environment
Under its Group Mission Statement, “Through our insurance and financial service businesses, bringing security and safety to people and businesses around the world and making a lasting contribution to the enrichment of society,” the MS&AD Insurance Group has made the environment a part of its corporate strategy. The Group has established the following Key Issues and is advancing efforts in these areas in line with the Standards of Conduct listed below.
The Group is committed to ongoing improvement through its environmental management system, and to abiding by environment-related laws and regulations, and the principles and guidelines agreed to by all members of the MS&AD Insurance Group.
(1)Mitigation of and adaptation to climate change
(2)Sustainable use of resources
(3)Reduction of environmental burden
(4)Preservation of biodiversity
(1)Initiatives via our insurance and financial services
We will create insurance and financial services that contribute to the Key Issues, and work to resolve social issues and thus enhance corporate value.
(2)Initiatives as part of the business process
Through an innovative reassessment of our business processes, we will work to enhance quality and improve business operations while making more efficient use of resources and energy.
(3)Environmental awareness and protection activities
By raising environmental awareness among all of our executives and employees, our communities and the next generation, we will work with stakeholders to promote environmental protection activities, gaining their trust and building sympathy for these issues.
We will work to ensure that all executives and employees of the MS&AD Insurance Group are familiar with this Environmental Basic Policy, which we are also disclosing to the public.
Established April 1, 2010
Revised April 1, 2016
Revised March 1, 2019