MS&AD Group will fulfill its corporate responsibility to respect human rights and contribute to the realization of a sustainable society based on the United Nations "Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights".
In order to achieve the Group's management philosophy (mission), which is to contribute to the development of a vibrant society and help secure a sound future for the planet, by enabling safety and peace of mind through the global insurance and financial services business, it is important to consider and act on the mutual impact between our business activities and society, including the environment and human rights. In the "MS&AD Insurance Group Human Rights Policy", which applies to all employees of the Group, business partners such as agents, and a wide range of stakeholders associated with the Group, we clarify that the Group has a responsibility to respect and protect human rights. Under this human rights policy, we identify and evaluate the adverse impacts on human rights that may occur in our business activities, and work with a wide range of stakeholders to prevent and mitigate them through our commitment to respecting human rights (human rights due diligence).
In February 2017, MS&AD Group established the "MS&AD Insurance Group Basic Policy on Human Rights" following the approval of Board of Directors.
Our group fulfills its responsibility to respect human rights in accordance with this policy.
The initiatives for respecting human rights are reported to and overseen by the Board of Directors.
MS&AD Insurance Group Basic Policy on Human Rights
The MS&AD Insurance Group is committed to enhancing the enterprise value and contributing to the creation of a sustainable and resilient society through behavior that takes into account interaction with the environment and society in all business activities, with the aim of realizing Our Mission.
We recognize our responsibility for the actual and potential adverse impact our business activities have on human rights, including the impact of value chain, and we have pursued activities and dialogues that respect human rights. This Basic Policy has been adopted to prepare for this.
(1) Compliance with laws, regulations and norms related to respect for human rights
(i)The Group respects international norms on human rights such as the United Nations International Bill of Human Rights(*1), the corporate code of conduct in the United Nations Global Compact(*2), and the principles concerning fundamental rights set out in the International Labor Organization Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work(*3).
(ii) In addition to complying with laws and regulations in countries and regions where we conduct business activities, we seek ways to respect the principles of internationally recognized human rights when these laws and regulations conflict with the principles, while considering the circumstances in such countries and regions.
(2) Non-discrimination
We respect basic human rights in all business activities, and not discriminate based on race, nationality, gender, age, ethnic origin, descent (family origin), social status, creed, religion, physical characteristics, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or pregnancy.
(3) Corporate culture that respects human rights
(i) With “achieving mutual growth by respecting one another's individuality and opinions, and by sharing knowledge and ideas” as one of Our Values, we will foster a corporate culture that respects human rights.
(ii) We respect diverse values and engage in the creation of a friendly working environment with consideration for the mental and physical health and safety of every single employee.
We will create a system for human rights due diligence in accordance with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and engage in dialogue, consultation and reporting.
(1) Assessment and prevention
We will identify and assess any actual and potential human rights risks, and take prioritized steps to prevent and mitigate them.
(2) Remedy, remediation and dialogue
If the Group causes adverse human rights impacts, we will perform appropriate remedy and remediation through appropriate procedures, and engage in the prevention of recurrence. Moreover, if it is found that we are involved in such impacts through the value chain, we will sincerely engage in dialogue.
(3) Education and Training
We will engage in a broad range of activities to raise awareness of human rights through every opportunity to ensure our officers and employees have a deeper understanding of global, country-specific or regional issues related to human rights and their involvement with our business activities and have respect for human rights.
(1) Protection of privacy
In light of the importance of personal information and in accordance with our Basic Policy for Management of Customer Information we will protect personal information to ensure that there is no adverse impact on human rights including privacy.
(2) Reflection in business processes
As a founding signatory to the UN Principles of Sustainable Insurance (PSI) and a signatory to the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), we will consider environmental, social and governance (ESG) aspects in order to meet our responsibility to respect human rights in our insurance underwriting and investment decision-making processes.
(*1) International Bill of Human Rights consists of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the main instruments through which it has been codified: the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
(*2)Ten Principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. The principles of Human Rights and Labour include: (1) support and respect for the protection of human rights; (2) non-complicity in human rights abuses,(3) recognition of freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining; (4) elimination of forced labour; (5) effective abolition of child labour; and (6) elimination of discrimination in employment and occupation.
(*3) Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work in five categories:(1) freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining,(2) elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labour, (3)the effective abolition of child labour, (4) elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation, and (5) safe and healthy working environment.
Established, February 1, 2017
Revised on March 1, 2019
Last Amended, October 11, 2022
- FY2023 Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement
- FY2022 Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement
- FY2021 Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement
- FY2020 Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement
- FY2019 Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement
- FY2018 Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement
- FY2017 Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement
- FY2016 Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement
- FY2015 Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement
The Group relies on the UN "Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights" and has established a human rights due diligence mechanism as part of our management system for respecting human rights. We are committed to implementing this mechanism continuously. In line with our Human Rights Policy, established on February 2017, we are conducting human rights due diligence as follows.
The Group has organized points of contact where human rights risks may arise within our value chain and stakeholders and identified priority issues in human rights initiatives. Steps taken are as follows.
<Priority Issues>
(i) Fair and impartial customer service
(ii) Consideration of human rights measures by underwriters, investors and external contractors
(iii) Consideration for employee health and a workplace environment free of discrimination.
We conduct the identification and assessment of adverse impacts on human rights every three years as a general principle. We regularly review and determine priority issues based on changes in the Group and the surrounding society and environment within our value chain. The initial evaluation was conducted in the fiscal year 2021, taking into account the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's “Reference Material on Practical Approaches for Business Enterprises to Respect Human Rights in Responsible Supply Chains” as well as the overall reflection of human rights initiatives at our overseas entities. The reevaluation of the 2021 assessment was carried out in the fiscal year 2023.
Process of Identification and assessment of adverse impacts on human rights
- (*2) Risk Map (92KB)
■Key preventive and mitigating measures for each priority issue in human rights initiatives
Operational sites with preventive and mitigating measures 46 Entities* |
Key preventive and mitigating measures |
Fair and impartial customer service |
■Comprehensive implementation of customer-first operations |
Consideration of human rights measures for underwriters, investors, and external contractors |
■Underwriters and investors |
Consideration for employee health and a workplace environment free of discrimination |
■Promotion of health management ・A speak-up system (internal reporting system) and consultation desks have been established. Dissemination of the reporting system and creation of an environment that makes it easy to consult with contact points ■Promotion of understanding and awareness concerning LGBTQ ・Implementation of internal seminar to promote understanding of LGBTQ ■Protecting employees from unreasonable customer complaints (mainly in Domestic Companies) |
*The primary businesses undertaken by MS&AD Holdings and its Group companies (subsidiaries and affiliates), and the main Group companies undertaking each business as of March 31, 2023
<Major initiatives>
• Planning and formulating as well as implementing and managing workplace training programs for all employees
• Raising role awareness of employees involved in human rights education.
ESG Data / Reference Material(Human Rights)
In the MS&AD Group, the Company and the labor union respect each other's position by complying with agreements in good faith and by engaging in efforts to maintain and improve the company's democratic and healthy development, the employee's working conditions, and their position. Based on the agreement, negotiations and consultations are carried out in the context of wages, personnel systems and operations, work environment, and management plan.
<Measures to prevent various types of harassment>
In the Group, we declare our commitment to respect human rights, in accordance with our Human Rights Policy and Compliance Policy. We pledge not to engage in discrimination or harassment based on race, nationality, gender, age, occupation, region, creed, disability, or any other factor, including sexual harassment, workplace harassment, and other forms of harassment. In the event that a case requiring remedy arises, we have established the following system to receive reports and consultations from employees and others and provide appropriate remedial measures.
ESG Data/Reference Material (Labor union membership rate)
ESG Data / Reference Material (Speak-up System)
■Example Initiatives of evaluations(monitoring)
Fair and impartial customer service |
■Protection of personal information <Fiscal Year 2023 inspections and audits> Information Management |
Consideration of human rights measures for underwriters, investors, and external contractors |
■Underwriting and Investments ■External Contractors/Agents ■Agents/ Foreign technical intern trainees |
Consideration for employee health and a workplace environment free of discrimination |
■Creating a safe workplace environment (compliance with labor safety and health laws) |
■Schemes for Receiving Feedback from Customers
Schemes for Receiving Feedback from Customers |
We widely accept various voices such as "consultations," "requests," and "complaints" from customers, and stipulate that they will be used to improve quality. |
■Reporting System from Employees (Speak-up System)
In the Group, we declare our commitment to respect human rights, in accordance with our Human Rights Policy and Compliance Policy. We pledge not to engage in discrimination or harassment based on race, nationality, gender, age, occupation, region, creed, disability, or any other factor, including sexual harassment, workplace harassment, and other forms of harassment. In the event that a case requiring remedy arises, we have established the following system to receive reports and consultations from employees and others and provide appropriate remedial measures.
Reporting System from Employees (Speak-up System) |
In order to prevent violations of laws and regulations, violations of internal regulations and inappropriate conduct from being neglected, the MS&AD Insurance Group has in place a reporting and Internal and external consultation services, the Speak-up System, through which employees can report any concerns so the company can promptly identify the facts and take necessary measures. With this system, the Group pushes ahead with compliance with ethics, laws, and regulations. <Examples of cases which could be reported and consulted> We have made efforts to enable informers and consulters to easily use the system. We protect the informers and consulters by ensuring the informers and consulters’ privacy and protect their information. We also make sure the informers are not treated disadvantageously. We have also set up an external contact point at an outside law firm. For officers and employees working at overseas entities, we have established a global reporting contact in addition to the reception desks at our domestic offices. We respond to reports in 16 languages, and it is possible to report to the Japanese head office from overseas.
Harassment Consulting Desk |
We have set up a dedicated harassment consulting desk to make sure that employees who feel victimized can consult staff with peace of mind about sexual harassment, power harassment, and maternity harassment cases. Based on verification of facts through prompt investigation, if deemed necessary, corrective measures and actions will be taken in accordance with internal regulations. The company is also making efforts toward prevention of harassment by providing education such as workplace training programs for all employees, level-specific training programs, and e-learning. |
■Whistleblowing and Consultation System for Value Chain and Supply Chain (External Contractors):
Human Rights Issues Consulting Desk |
Establishment of consultation desk mainly for the Group's outsourcing partners, utilizing the platform of a specialized organization that relies on the UN "Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights". Japan Center for Engagement and Remedy on Business and Human Rights (JaCER) |
In December 2023, a discussion on "Respect for Human Rights Initiatives" took place between Mr. Hideki Wakabayashi (Board member of the Japan NGO Center for International Cooperation (JANIC) / Director of THINK Lobby) and MS&AD Holdings CSuO and members from the Sustainability Promotion Department.
【Outline of the Discussion】
・Date: December 2023
・Method: In-person meeting. Prior to the discussion, a survey was conducted to gather opinions on the Group's initiatives. The discussion was based on the survey questions.
・Participants: Mr. Hideki Wakabayashi, board member of the Japan NGO Center for International Cooperation (JANIC) and Director of THINK Lobby, MS&AD Holdings CSuO and members from the Sustainability Promotion department.
【Human rights due diligence and operations 】
After receiving a briefing on the latest developments in business and human rights in Japan and various countries from Mr. Wakabayashi, we had a lively exchange of opinions based on the questionnaire on our company group's commitment to respecting human rights that was previously answered. It was pointed out that human rights risks are risks to people, and that enhancing corporate value should ultimately be achieved through addressing these risks. It was also emphasized that all employees need to understand that human capital, including human rights, is supported by social and natural capital.
MS&AD Holdings will reflect the insights and opinions obtained through the discussion, and strive for further enhancement of our commitment to respecting human rights and disclosure of information.
●The risks pointed out through this dialogue have been reflected in the risk map revised on March 2024
In December 2023, a discussion on "Respect for LGBTQ Rights Initiatives" took place between Ms. Maki Muraki (Founder/Director of NPO Nijiiro Diversity) and members of the Sustainability Department at MS&AD Holdings.
【Outline of the Discussion】
・Date: December 2023
・Method: Online meeting. Discussion on the Group efforts and issues under review.
・Participants: Ms. Maki Muraki, Founder and Director of NPO Nijiiro Diversity,
and members of the Sustainability Department at MS&AD Holdings.
【The Group’s LGBTQ Rights Initiatives】
Ms. Muraki briefed us on the latest developments in LGBTQ-related issues in the Japanese government and companies, as well as the difficulties and mental/physical health faced by LGBTQ people. Following that, we held a discussion on the Group's LGBTQ rights initiatives, focusing mainly (i) Initiatives for customers and (ii) Initiatives for the Group employees.
(i) Initiatives for customers
It was pointed out that as expected from insurance companies, we need to recognize the LGBTQ issues in underwriting and procedures, promote understanding of LGBTQ initiatives for the Group employees and agents, and improve our responsiveness to LGBTQ people.
(ii) Initiatives for the Group employees
We discussed various initiatives, including the establishment of employee groups for LGBTQ understanding and support (ALLY), the operation of an employee consultation desk, employee education and awareness programs, and recruitment practices. We also exchanged opinions on the specific methods of these initiatives and effective ways to inform them to our employees.
MS&AD Holdings will reflect the insights and opinions obtained through discussions into the development of internal guidelines and take specific initiatives, to promote the Group’s LGBTQ Rights Initiatives.
●Valuable insights discussed through this dialogue have been reflect to the making of inhouse guidelines.