The MS&AD Insurance Group has set Mission, Vision, and Values in order to clarify how the Group should be. Furthermore, we have accelerated initiatives based on our sustainability approach to achieve our mission.

Our Mission

To contribute to the development of a vibrant society and help secure a sound future for the planet, by enabling safety and peace of mind through the global insurance and financial services business

Our Vision

To create a world-leading insurance and financial services group that consistently pursues sustainable growth and enhances corporate value

Our Values

Customer focus, integrity, teamwork, innovation, professionalism

Perspective of Sustainability of the MS&AD Insurance Group

The MS&AD Insurance Group will create shared value and aim toward a resilient and sustainable society through corporate activities that implement "Story of Value Creation," in order to realize our Corporate Philosophy (Mission).
We will consistently strive for supreme quality that lives up to the trust and expectations upon us, and together with our stakeholders, continue to contribute to the creation of society where everyone can pursue a stable life and take on dynamic business activities, while preserving the sustainability of the global environment and society.

(Basic Policies on Corporate Governance, Chapter 2 Section 2)

Business Activities with Consideration for Sustainability

The MS&AD Insurance Group, as insurance and financial services group which provides safety and peace of mind conduct business activities with consideration for sustainability.
We aim to enhance corporate value by contributing to solutions for sustainability issues (also known as environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues) with profound understanding through stakeholder engagement.


  • Our underwriting considers issues and risks that would have a negative impact on society and the global environment. In addition, we provide products and services that respond to the demand of society.
  • Our investments consider ESG factors in pursuit of long-term returns and contribution to solutions for sustainability issues.

“Action on Climate Change”, “Improving Sustainability of Natural Capital“ and “Respect for Human Rights” that require urgent actions are the Group's priorities.

We will disclose our initiatives, in line with global disclosure standards.

Action on Climate Change

  • We contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation as climate change may bring material impacts on our lives and ecosystems and pose substantial risks to the insurance industry.
  • The establishment and implementation of innovative technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as well as next-generation energy (renewable energy, hydrogen, etc.) and the carbon recycle, are essential to achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement. We will promote engagement with our business partners and other stakeholders, and actively work to provide new risk solutions and make investments to support the transition to a net-zero society.
  • We will not newly provide insurance for, nor make investments in coal-fired power plants or thermal coal mines*1.
  • We will not newly provide insurance for oil and gas extraction and coal-mining projects*3 by companies whose primary business is coal*2. We will not newly provide insurance for, nor make investments in oil sands mining and oil and gas extraction projects in the Arctic*3.  
  • We have established medium- and long-term targets for the green house gas emissions reduction from our business processes and our business partners and the renewable energy usage ratio, and are working to reduce green house gas emissions.

< Greenhouse gas Emission Reduction >

Scope FY2030 FY2050
Scope 1 , 2 -50% (Base year: FY2019) Net Zero
Scope3 Category
1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 13
-50% (Base year: FY2019)
Underwriting and Investments -37% (Base year: FY2019)
(Key Japanese domestic corporate clients)
To promote the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions with our business partners, we understand their challenges and propose solutions through dialogue.

 Scope 1 is for direct emissions from the Group, such as gasoline from company-owned vehicles.
 Scope 2 is for indirect emissions from the use of electricity and gas.
 Scope 3 is for indirect emissions by the Group's operations other than those in Scope 2.


<Renewable Energy Use>


FY2030 FY2050
60% 100%

 【Improving Sustainability of Natural Capital】

  • Natural capital is the foundation that supports our society and economy. As its conservation and sustainable use is essential to the economic development and prosperity of society, we take initiatives to conserve biodiversity and improve sustainability of natural capital.
  • We will carefully determine whether or not to provide insurance or make investments in the following businesses that may have negative impacts on the environment and local communities, while taking into account the businesses’ consideration for the environment and society. And, if any issues are identified, we will propose solutions to address them.

        -New construction of coal-fired power plants and coal mines, 

          oil-fired power plants and oil fields, oil sand mining, and gas fields

        -New construction of hydroelectric power plants

   -New construction of solar power plants in Japan

         -New construction of onshore wind power plants in Japan

         -New construction of biomass power plants in Japan

        -New agriculture, forestry and fisheries projects involving large-scale development in

          unexplored areas
        -Projects that could destroy natural and cultural heritage sites protected under the UNESCO

          Convention for the Protection of  World Heritage Sites and wetlands protected under the

          Ramsar Convention


【Respect for Human Rights】

  •  As respecting human rights is the foundation of a safe society where one can enjoy peaceful lives, we conduct our business activities with respect for human rights.
  • We will not provide insurance for, nor make investments in cluster munitions that may kill large numbers of people at once and biological and chemical weapons, and anti-personnel mines that may cause indiscriminate mass killing.
  • We will carefully determine whether or not to provide insurance or make investments in the businesses which may violate human rights of indigenous people or local communities, while taking into account the businesses’ consideration for the environment and society.


The Board of Directors and the Sustainability Committee hold discussions on the policies, plans, and the progress initiatives for the aforementioned Business Activities with Consideration for Sustainability. We keep the highly transparent disclosure and engage in dialogue with stakeholders. Revision and /or modification may be applied when necessary.


MS&AD Insurance Group participates in the following initiatives.

  •  Paris Pledge for Action
  •  United Nations Global Compact (UNGC)
  •  United Nations Environment Programme – Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) 〔Principles for Sustainable Insurance (PSI),Natural Capital Finance Alliance (NCFA)〕
  •  Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)
  • Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures(TCFD)
  • Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD)
  • Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials (PCAF)
  •  Japan Climate Initiative (JCI)
  •  Principles for Finance Action towards a Sustainable Society (Principles for Financial Action for the 21st Century)
  •  Japan Business Initiative for Biodiversity (JBIB)  etc.

 *1:Existing coal fired power plants and thermal coal mines with technologies and techniques

   aiming to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement might be handled after careful consideration.

 *2:Companies that derive at least 25% of their revenues from coal-fired power generation,

      thermal coal mines or companies that generate at least 25% of their energy from coal.

 *3:Projects and companies planning to decarbonize to achieve the goals of the

       Paris Agreement are exempted.