The MS&AD Insurance Group proactively engages in highly transparent information disclosure and constructive dialogue with shareholders and investors in an effort to achieve sustainable growth and increase enterprise value.
Specifically, by providing highly transparent information disclosure, MS&AD seeks to reduce information asymmetries with shareholders and investors. Also, by obtaining feedback from constructive dialogue with shareholders and investors, MS&AD Holdings is able to share this feedback with its management and the relevant departments and utilize it in formulating its management strategies.
Policy for Constructive Dialogue with Shareholders
(Disclosure Item on Corporate Governance Code Principle 5.1 / Policy for Constructive Dialogue with Shareholders)
The Company will actively engage in constructive dialogue with shareholders for the Company's sustained growth and enhancement of its medium- to long-term enterprise value, and will endeavor to generate further enterprise value by utilizing such dialogue in managing the Company.
In addition, the Company is engaged in establishing internal structure for disclosure of reliable information that can form a foundation for this dialogue, and in creating mechanisms to more effectively provide management and the Board of Directors with feedback regarding the content of such dialogue.
This shall be Executive Officer (responsible for the Corporate Communications and Investor Relations Department).*
(1) The Corporate Communications and Investor Relations Department, which assists with shareholder dialogue, and various other departments within the Company, and efforts to expand means of dialogue.
- Holding regular meetings for the Corporate Communications and Investor Relations Department to provide feedback to other relevant departments
- Holding investor briefings led by the heads of each business unit
- Holding exchanges of opinion with investors for the purpose of dialogue between senior management and investors
- Enhancement of the Integrated Report, a tool for constructive dialogue.
(2) Measures for providing senior management and the Board of Directors with feedback regarding shareholder dialogue.
- Semiannual IR activity reports and feedback on the equity market’s perspective of the Company to the Group Management Committee and the Board of Directors.
- Quarterly reports to senior management on the status of the Company’s share price.
- Reports to senior management on areas of interest and evaluation of investors regarding overseas IR trips and, financial results announcements.
(3) Measures concerning control of insider information in the course of shareholder dialogue
- Timely and fair disclosure of information fully utilizing the Company’s website
- Compliance with rules on the prevention of insider trading, etc., and refraining from dialogue related to earnings in the quiet period established in the IR policy.
* Tetsuji Higuchi, Director Executive Vice President Chief Financial Officer, is currently in charge of this assignment.
The Group CEO and the officer in charge of the Corporate Communications and Investor Relations Department have increased opportunities for direct dialogue with major overseas and domestic shareholders and investors, and have actively exchanged opinions with them. The opinions of shareholders and investors obtained through dialogue are used in the formulation and implementation of management strategies. In addition, "MS&AD IR Day" is held once a year to exchange ideas for constructive dialogue between management and shareholders and investors, and lively discussions are held to enhance corporate value.
In terms of sustainability, "ESG meeting" is held to explain the status of our group's various initiatives and provide a forum for exchange of ideas.
For individual investors, we hold more company briefings and exchange ideas.
We hold "Information meeting" which the Group CEO explain management strategies and financial results serves the presentation twice a year, at the time of the release of the full-year and interim financial results. In addition to that, the Group actively holds thematic meetings briefings on various fields.
Besides, we are working to further promote constructive dialogue by increasing opportunities for individual meetings with major shareholders and investors, including resuming in-person meetings with foreign investors, which had been suspended due to the spread of COVID-19.
Strategic Meeting for Institutional Investors and Analysts |
2 (2) |
Telephone Conference of financial results for Institutional Investors and Analysts: |
4 (4) |
Meeting for opinion exchange for Institutional Investors |
- (1) |
Conference for individual investors: |
4 (6) |
ESG Meeting: |
1 (1) |
Thematic Meeting: |
1 (2) |
Individual Meetings with domestic and foreign investors: |
223 (237) |
( ):Number resulted in FY2022
In light of the enhanced information disclosure that supports constructive dialogue, we are also focusing on the creation of various tools. The MS&AD Official Website and the MS&AD Integrated Report have received continuous commendations from external organizations and have earned high marks.
We promptly disclose information in Japanese and English in an immediate and impartial manner.

We issue an integrated report to help the stakeholders understand our efforts to solve social issues and increase corporate value through our business.