The current value of net assets plus the current value of future profit expected from policies in force (policies in force value). Under current statutory accounting practices, the recognition of costs is concentrated at the time of sales, while the related profits are recognized in subsequent years; so, using those accounting practices to accurately evaluate corporate performance is difficult in some ways. As EV encompasses an evaluation of the current value of future profit expected from policies in force, it is a useful indicator that can be used to supplement statutory accounting practices for the purpose of evaluating companies’ performance and enterprise value.
While the Company has disclosed its EV for some time, since FY2011, it has disclosed its EV calculated based on the European Embedded Value principles (EEV principles*), and this type of EV is referred to as EEV. In addition, the Company’s calculations of EEV employ a market-consistent approach to evaluating liability- and asset-related cash flows that is consistent with the financial products traded in markets.
*The EEV principles were instituted by a CFO Forum (composed of the chief financial officers (CFOs) of major European insurance companies) in May 2004 with the goal of promoting a consistent EV calculation and disclosure method and thereby promoting an increase in transparency.