The MS&AD Insurance Group expresses its sincere sympathy and condolences to all who have been affected by Turkey-Syria Earthquake and hopes for the swiftest possible recovery of the region.


MS&AD Insurance Group Holdings, Inc. (President and CEO: Noriyuki Hara) has raised donations from employees of group companies in Japan and abroad to support all of people affected by the earthquake, and donated a total of approximately 28.95 million yen, including matching gifts from the company.

1. Donations from Japan

  • Amount donated
     MS&AD Group employees' donations                6,640,000 yen 
     Disaster relief matching gift 5 million yen 
     Total donations 11,640,000 yen 


  • Donation recipients
    Japan Platform[Specified Nonprofit Corporation] 10 million yen
    United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) 1,640,000 yen

2. Donations from overseas offices

European and Asian companies in our group also made the following donations, including employee donations and corporate matching gifts.

< MS Amlin companies*>

*MS Amlin Underwriting Ltd, MS Reinsurance(MS Amlin AG),
MS Amlin Insurance SE, MS Amlin Corporate Services Limited

A total of 100,000 British pounds to Red Cross
< Europe > MSIG Insurance Europe AG

About 3,500 euros for Aktion Deutschland hilft

(The company adds matching gifts to employee donations)

< Asia > MSIG Asia Pte. Ltd. 

S $3,000 to Red Cross


[Overview of Disaster Relief Donation Matching Gift Program]

Under this program, MS&AD Insurance Group makes a contribution that matches the amount of donations collected from employees.

  • Types of Disasters Covered

        Domestic: disasters covered by the Disaster Relief Act

        Overseas: large-scale disasters for which the Japan Business Federation provides assistance-related information