MS&AD Insurance Group Holdings, Inc. (President & CEO: Yasuyoshi Karasawa, the “Company”) was recognized for the third consecutive year as the “A List” company with the best efforts on climate change in the CDP* project where global institutional investors request companies to disclose their strategies on climate change and greenhouse gas emissions.
The Company was selected as one of the best companies (“A List” companies), for activities in response to climate change at the “CDP 2020 Japan Report” held on January 20th.
This year, 179 companies worldwide, including 38 Japanese companies, have
been selected as climate change "A List" companies.
CDP is an international project that encourages companies to recognize, manage and disclose risks and opportunities related to climate change, water and forests. Every year, more than 500 institutional investors and others use CDP to request responses from more than 8,400 companies around the world, and the CDP evaluates the responses.
For details, please visit the website of the organization.
Under its medium-term management plan "Vision 2021" launched in fiscal year 2018, with our mission “to contribute to the development of a vibrant society and help secure a sound future for the planet, by enabling safety and peace of mind through the global insurance and financial services business”, the Company has set the goal of realizing “a resilient and sustainable society” as the image of society in 2030.
We are working to provide products and services that respond to climate change, such as weather derivatives that reduce the economic burden in the event of unusual weather, support for the dissemination of renewable energy such as solar and wind power generation, and the provision of hazard maps to raise awareness of disaster prevention among local residents.
We will continue to promote initiatives in line with the Company’s “Story of Value Creation” to quickly identify and inform on various risks, prevent risks from occurring and minimize the impact when those risks materialize, provide products and services that reduce the economic burden, thereby contributing to the realization of a resilient and sustainable society.
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