Japan’s birthrate is declining, society is aging, and total population is declining. According to the Population Projections for Japan (2023) by the National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, the country’s population will drop below 92 million in 2065, with an elderly population rate – the percentage of the population aged 65 and older – of approximately 38%. The rising elderly population necessitates an environment in which the elderly can live with safety and security. This living environment must give consideration to an urban structure that makes it easy to get about, supports access to information on health and preventive medical care, and is adapted to the decline of bodily functions that comes with age and nursing care. At the same time, urban structures need to facilitate the slowing of population decline by creating an environment in which pregnant women, children, and people with children can live safely and with confidence.
The MS&AD Insurance Group is promoting business activities that can help sustain a super-aging society and will continue to provide products and services that support the well-being of its customers.

Support for Corporate Health and Human Capital Management

While providing support for individual customer well-being and corporate health management, the MS&AD Insurance Group continues to enhance its workplace environments so that all employees can thrive. The health of employees is not only essential for improving their own quality of life, but it is also a key element in realizing the Group's management philosophy (Our Purpose). Accordingly, employee health management is part of the Group’s Medium-Term Management Plan, and efforts are being made to create workplace environments that prioritize the health and safety of employees, thereby maintaining and enhancing their physical and mental well-being.

Principal Approaches

Supporting human capital management by SMEs

In June 2024, we launched a premium discount system for businesses engaged in human capital management, for occupational accident insurance policies. In addition to providing coverage with premiums based on risk level, we support the creation of a sound business environment for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) by offering consulting services related to human capital management.

Introduction of a premium discount system for businesses that have adopted human capital management (MSI, ADI) (in Japanese only)

Promoting Good Health and Preventing Illness

We provide services that promote fitness so that people can enjoy long and active lives, and we collaborate with universities to carry out studies and research on promoting good health.

Principal Approaches

Instant self health-check snapshot

Since October 2022, we have been expanding a healthcare service brand, MSA Care, which is aimed at providing total support for customers' health. In addition to providing life insurance coverage in the event of illness, we provide support before and after illness, such as prevention/early detection of illness, prevention of serious illness/recurrence, and consultation regarding health, as “a set of services.”


Launched MSA Care Web Services: Including new healthcare services (MSI Aioi Life) (in Japanese only)


(Examples of services)

Z4C (zen place for cancer) for prevention of serious illness/recurrence (MSI Aioi Life) (in Japanese only)

Instant self health-check snapshot (in Japanese only)

Hany Blood Sugar Advice (in Japanese only)

e-CogniCare (in Japanese only)

Lifestyle Improvement Support Program LITE (in Japanese only)

Addressing social issues through early detection of dementia

With the aim of promoting early detection of dementia, we initiated an experiment of measuring cognitive function using a smartphone app which applies U.S. FDA medical device approval technology. This method enables users to self-check their cognitive function status using the scores converted by AI from measurements of visual tests and lifestyle factors such as sleep and amount of exercise.


Cognitive function measurement by AI, applying U.S. FDA medical device approval technology (MSI Aioi Life, MSI Primary Life) (in Japanese only)

Assisting in maintaining physical and mental well-being

We began offering the healthcare app “HELPO” that assists employees in addressing their mental and physical health concerns. By providing solutions to support employee health and supporting the management of small and medium-sized enterprises, we aim to improve employee productivity and ensure talent retention.

Healthcare app “HELPO” (MSI) (in Japanese only)

Promoting good health in collaboration with the University of Tokyo’s Center Of Innovation

In fiscal 2018, the Group commenced initiatives in collaboration with the University of Tokyo Center of Innovation (COI), a hub for self-managing a healthy society, to realize a “sustainable society of healthy longevity”. Since April 2021, MSI and ADI have been selling insurance products to support health and productivity management that combine consulting services with a health management app based on an AI-driven health risk forecasting model. In September 2019, we initiated joint research on developing services that provide dementia prevention measures and have already begun to detect signs of MCI (Mild Cognitive Impairment, a precursor to dementia) by voice.


Self check for cognitive function by Instant snapshot (MSI Aioi Life)(in Japanese only)

Expanding Various Business Lines to Support a Super-Aging Society

We are contributing to the development of businesses that support super-aging societies by making available measures and support to address various issues related to nursing care and medical care. Furthermore, a super-aged society means we will have a continuously declining workforce. Recognizing the increasing importance of mechanisms to back up workers, we are actively supporting health and productivity management by companies in all sectors, together with realization of family/work balance.

Principal Approaches to Resolving Risk Issues such as Medical and Nursing Care

Services for welfare and nursing care providers

We provide products that offer compensation for various risks related to welfare/nursing care providers (risk of compensation liability, information leakage risk, property damage risk, etc.), which also covers consulting costs for prevention of accident recurrence.
We also help nursing care providers to establish BCPs and hold abuse prevention training sessions, which are obligatory for nursing facilities/offices.


Medical Care, Nursing Care, Welfare for the Disabled, etc. (InterRisk) (in Japanese only)

Support for Abuse Prevention Training (InterRisk) (in Japanese only)

Reducing burdens on and turnover rate of caregivers utilizing AI and ICT

We have formed capital and business tie-ups with startup companies that develop CareTech (coined from Care (nursing care and welfare services) and Technology), aiming to innovate and solve issues in the field of nursing care.


Capital and business alliance with WELMO, which provides nursing care welfare platforms using AI and ICT (ADI) (in Japanese only)

Promoting health and productivity management and offering consulting services

In order to promote health and productivity management, we hold seminars and offer a consultation service. We support further promotion and improve the quality of health and productivity management by helping companies apply to the Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program the Certified Health and Productivity Management Organization Program established by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), and taking incentive measures linked to METIʼs recognition program.


Promoting health and productivity management (P.127) (METI) (in Japanese only)

Health support insurance consulting services (InterRisk) (in Japanese only)

Support services for work/family balance for companies

We provide support for human resources departments to help employees balance work and family (childcare, nursing care, treatment, etc.) and find the right work-life balance.


Support for Balancing Work and Family Life (Nursing Care, Treatment)(InterRisk) (in Japanese only)

Supporting companies in promoting health with Health Management Support Insurance

An insurance package that includes health management support services, loss of income coverage for employees who are unable to work due to injuries and illnesses, and tools to visualize health risks for employees and help prevent disease with the health management app, My Body Forecast, developed with the University of Tokyo Center of Innovation. With employees using the app, managers can use the data for health management. Insurance premium discounts can be enjoying where initiatives are made to promote health with employees using the app. The app helps to improve employee health and prevent illness, and the insurance premiums paid by the company are discounted depending on how much the app is used.


Launch of Health Management Support Insurance (MSI, ADI, InterRisk) (in Japanese only)

Health Management Consulting Services (InterRisk) (in Japanese only)

Mental Health Support Service for contact centers

A service for call centers, the turnover rates of which are said to be high due to an extreme level of work-related stress. This leads to rapid improvement of workplace conditions, etc. through facilitating timely identification of the occupational mental conditions of call center staff working for agents.


Mental Health Support Service for contact centers (ADI) (in Japanese only)

Principal Approaches to Support for Making Proposals Based on Our Understanding of Customers

Proposing Training Courses to Financial Institutions/Agents

Based on academic knowledge of financial gerontology, which studies how changes in bodily and cognitive functions due to aging affect economic and financial conduct, we developed and provide a training course for imparting skills in dealing appropriately with elderly customers in an individual and tailored manner.

Developed Financial Gerontology Training (MSI Primary Life) (in Japanese only) 


We have developed and provide the My 100-Year Life Training which is designed to enhance the consulting skills of insurance agents in an age of super-longevity. The training curriculum helps insurance agents enhance their ability to offer proposals that meet a variety of insurance needs by giving the agents opportunities to experience a realistic sense of what it might be like to live to the age of 100.

Developed the My 100-Year Life Training (MSI Primary Life) (in Japanese only)

Smartphone-completed Asset-building/Management Type Life Insurance “AHARA”

We developed a first-in-Japan variable annuity insurance, AHARA, which can be completed using only a smartphone.
All procedures can be completed via smartphone to apply for/purchase the insurance with a premium from JPY500 at minimum and an additional reserve can be made on a regular basis or at any time.
This was launched in May 2023 as a savings type asset-building product that meets the needs of customers who “want to start asset-building casually.”


Life Insurance Product AHARA (MSI Primary Life) (in Japanese only)

Providing Products and Services to Support a Society of Healthy Longevity

We provide means for asset-building and products/services related to nursing and dementia, tailored to customers’ needs, aiming to help people live fulfilling second lives in safe societies with safety and security.

Principal Products/Services

Currency-selective Special Whole Life Insurance such as “Yasashisa, Tsunagu 2”

A whole life insurance policy that meets the needs of living gifts and inheritance for smooth asset succession to the next generation by having family members as recipients of survival benefits. In June 2024, the cumulative sales amount for this product surpassed 3 trillion yen.


New functions added to Currency-selective Special Whole Life Insurance “Yasashisa, Tsunagu 2” (MSI Primary Life) (in Japanese only)

The cumulative sales amount for currency-selective special whole life insurance (such as “Yasashisa, Tsunagu 2”) surpassed 3 trillion yen. (MSI Primary Life) (in Japanese only)

Preparing for cancer

In order to promote and raise awareness of the importance of cancer screening and early detection, we have formed a capital tie-up with Hirotsu Bioscience to offer N-NOSE®, a simple, inexpensive, and highly accurate primary cancer screening test, at a preferential price.
In addition, we launched a new “&LIFE Cancer Insurance S Select” with enhanced lump sum payments in 2022. This encompasses all insurance coverage for cancer, starting from the earliest stages of the disease.


&LIFE Cancer Insurance S Smart Select (MSI Aioi Life) (in Japanese only)
N-NOSE® (MSI Aioi Life) (in Japanese only) 

Providing coverage tailored to an aging society

We offer endorsements and services to address various new issues that are emerging in an aging society, including losses arising from solitary deaths of elderly residents in rental housing, liability for damages without property damage, which has been increasing in line with the growing number of dementia patients, such as damages due to inability to operate a train, search costs when elderly persons go missing, and sharing safety information with relatives, etc. to encourage preemptive measures such as evacuation before a disaster occurs.

Preemptive preparation for long-term care and dementia

Under its healthcare service MSA Care, which aims to provide total support for customer health, MSI Aioi Life has introduced new services well-suited for potential long-term care and dementia needs. Taking the form of a comprehensive package, the product offers integrated services for health maintenance, disease prevention, early detection, health consultations, and prevention of disease worsening or recurrence, and includes both pre- and post-coverage services.


New product launch — &LIFE Long-Term Care Insurance C (Care) Select — and introduction of new services under MSA Care: Offering both insurance coverage and pre/post-coverage services (MSI Aioi Life) (in Japanese only)

MCI Screening Plus (MSI Aioi Life) (in Japanese only)

Long-Term Care Health Desk (MSI Aioi Life) (in Japanese only)

Care Facility Referral Service (MSI Aioi Life) (in Japanese only)

Meal Delivery Service (MSI Aioi Life) (in Japanese only)

Starting development of BPSD onset prediction service to support elderly persons living at home

By combining the sensor and AI technology of NEC with the insurance products of Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance and Mitsui Sumitomo Aioi Life Insurance and the results of the “Establishment of the Tokyo Approach to Solving Elderly Dementia Issues from Multiple Perspectives through AI and IoT,"' we aim to socially implement services that improve the QOL (Quality of Life) of elderly persons and reduce the burdens on families and nursing care personnel.


Started development of BPSD onset prediction service (MSI, MSI Aioi Life) (in Japanese only)

Financial Inclusion: Improving Access to Insurance and Financial Services

The MS&AD Insurance Group strives to improve access to our insurance products and financial services for people who face difficulties in accessing financial institutions or conducting financial transactions. By developing and offering suitable products and engaging in financial and insurance education, we aim to support people and their families who are in difficult situations, thereby contributing to the improvement of their living standards.

Principal Approaches

Provision of insurance for small loans to micro-entrepreneurs (Philippines)

Launched Micro-insurance for loans in Autumn 2019, in cooperation with BPI Direct BanKo, which provides small loans to micro-entrepreneurs.
The insurance supports the operations of micro-entrepreneurs through insurance even in the event of an unforeseen occurrence such as an accident or disaster.
Number of policies sold in FY2023: 180,240
Total premium amount approximately: PHP 10,800,000 (Philippines Peso)

Provision of fire insurance dedicated to housing for indigenous people (Malaysia)

We packaged insurance related to the support scheme undertaken by the social enterprise EPIC Homes with the aim of helping to improve the living conditions of indigenous people. Housing with this coverage provides safety and security to the indigenous people living there and encourages participation in the support scheme by potential donors.
Cumulative total of houses for indigenous people covered by our insurance in FY2023 : 111
Cumulative fire insurance premiums for indigenous homes: MYR 18,223 (Malaysian Ringgit)


Press release (MSIG Malaysia)

Promotion of insurance and job creation (India)

We have set up small shops equipped with insurance kiosks in villages, towns, and small and medium-sized cities across the country. Through this, we are contributing to promotion of insurance in regions where access to such services had previously been difficult.
We have also entrusted groups that are working to create jobs in farming communities through issuance of insurance policies. This contributes to improving employment prospects for people in farming communities with few job opportunities other than agriculture.
Cumulative total number of shops in FY2023: 315


Cholamandalam MS General Insurance official website

Insurance for small loans to micro-entrepreneurs (India)

The microinsurance is needed to be an affordable (Prices are determined by the customer’s ability to pay) and meets to priority for risk protection (Examples: property insurance, health insurance, life insurance).
Total of houses for the people covered by our insurance in FY2023: 366,754
Fire insurance premiums for homes: IRN 121,028,820 (Indian Rupee)

Provision of financial education (non-life insurance) for young people (Japan)

Conducting classes to improve financial literacy for high school students following the April 2022 revision of the Civil Code that lowered the adult age from 20 to 18. These classes provided opportunities for students to learn life skills to achieve an independent, secure and prosperous life, and contributed to the improvement of living standards in the future.
Number of schools: 48 (Tokyo, Kanagawa, Nagano, Kagoshima, Fukuoka)/Number of classes: 16 frames/ Number of participating students: 1,000

Special lectures and social experience opportunities for local schools

To promote children's social participation and support their independence, we provide special lectures and social experience opportunities to neighboring schools. Additionally, as part of the career education program at a support school for a correspondence high school, we conduct lectures on insurance.

Number of participating students: 110

Development of Dementia Supporters

The Group has been conducting joint promotion of training courses for employees to foster development of dementia supporters. MSI Aioi Life has entered into cooperation agreements with local governments to take part in community monitoring activities. By enhancing employees' knowledge and understanding of dementia, we leverage these efforts to improve quality with a focus on diverse customers.

MS&AD Group's Dementia Supporter Training Achievements for FY2023 (including Caravan Mates) Total: 11,608 supporters

Customer-Oriented Business Operations

In accordance with the " Principles for Customer-Oriented Business Conduct " published by the Financial Services Agency, we have created manuals pertaining to insurance solicitation for elderly and person with disability. This is to promote appropriate customer service and to improve our operations through the analysis of survey data provided by customers and dialogue with insurance agents. Additionally, by providing meticulous responses tailored to each customer's situation, we work to prevent complaints and offer reasonable accommodations. Furthermore, we conduct training on dementia for both internal and external audiences to deepen understanding of dementia, utilizing these efforts to improve quality with a focus on a diverse range of customers. In addition, we engage in exchanges of opinions with external experts and have external specialists evaluate our customer-facing tools, aiming to incorporate customer perspectives into our operations. The promotion of such customer-oriented business operations and the various issues related to quality improvement are discussed within the Quality Improvement and Compliance Committee.